How to Look Fabulous on Your Next Beach Holiday – Finding the Right Balance

Beach Holiday | Image by Putu Suardiana from Pixabay
Many of us would feel some trepidation at the thought of getting into our swimwear and flaunting our bodies at the beach during our next vacation. We may feel that our bodies are less than perfect and be compelled to work out extensively just before heading out on a holiday. However, it would be more effective to prepare well in advance and undertake the necessary measures for looking your best, as described below.

Alter your exercise routine and watch your posture

For the best effect, it would be vital to alter your exercise regimen so that your body doesn’t get accustomed to the same kinds of exercises. To take your metabolism to the next level, you would have to tweak your exercise routine periodically so that you would perform a variety of different exercises. For instance, if you are accustomed to regular cardio work, you may try out yoga and Pilates. Similarly, if you are used to working out indoors, you may head outside for exercise. It would also be important to work on your posture as this will engage the core muscles of your body and help you look fit and toned.

Commence a healthy diet avoiding salt

To look your best, you would naturally need to practice a healthy diet so that your body would gain vital nutrients without accumulating surplus calories. A great choice in this regard would be a vegetable-based diet with modest amounts of proteins and fats to round it off. This would mean consuming an abundance of salads, vegetables and fruits that would provide healthy nutrition. You should strive to consume plenty of natural antioxidants that would boost your overall health. It would additionally be advisable to minimize your consumption of unnecessary carbohydrates and salt in the final days before your beach vacation.

Cleanse adequately and consider skin supplements

Since sunscreen products could obstruct the pores of your skin, it would be important to continue your cleansing regimen whilst on holiday. In this regard, you will find that a balm cleanser would remove sunscreen residue whilst also soothing the skin with its anti-inflammatory oils.
You may also consider boosting your diet with oral supplements that would enhance skin health. A couple of weeks prior to your vacation, you could take supplements like beta carotene as well as antioxidant extracts like pycnogenol, vitamin E and vitamin C. These nutrients would assist in neutralizing the effects of damage caused by ultraviolet rays.

Protect your skin

Naturally, during your beach vacation, you should strive to prevent any possibility of sunburn on your skin. Accordingly, you should take care that areas of the skin like the feet, hands, ears, back of your neck and all other necessary sections of your body are adequately protected with sunscreen.
You may also take along products featuring vitamin E and anti-inflammatory omega oils that would soothe the skin and repair any damage caused by UV rays. Of course, where you stay is also important and ideally, it should be a hotel or resort beside the shore so you can always enjoy an air-conditioned sanctuary away from the sun any time you want! When it comes to information about accommodation deals at such properties for your exciting beach holiday, consider those offered in the online resource, Excellent Hotel Deals.

Take care of your hair

If your hair seems frizzy or has suffered damage, it would be a good idea to undertake a keratin treatment at a quality salon. You would also find that the post-holiday period would be a great time at which to lighten the colour of your hair and give it a trim.
Your beach holiday would additionally be a wonderful time to give your hair a respite too. For instance, you could avoid the use of hot styling implements and simply air dry your hair instead. During your getaway, you could also give your hair a morning wash and pamper it with a deep conditioning mask; then if you put your hair in a topknot, it would be protected from the rays of the sun too.